Crédit Agricole Immobilier

Easing and boosting the performance of a call center


The Challenges

Crédit Agricole Immobilier is the real estate subsidiary of the Crédit Agricole Group, one of the leading banking groups in Europe. This entity offers a comprehensive range of real estate services, including the development and management of residential and commercial properties.

Before integrating the Pinpo solution, Crédit Agricole Immobilier faced significant challenges. The company was overwhelmed by the substantial increase in leads generated by marketing tools such as Facebook Lead Ads. The call center teams were swamped by the volume of contact requests, requiring considerable effort that was not yielding adequate return on investment.

For the first time, Karine, the team leader, noticed a marked decrease in productivity and motivation among her team members, clearly highlighting the challenges the company had to address.

The solution : Pinpo Convert

The AI Sales Specialist at Crédit Agricole Immobilier handles the leads generated by Facebook Lead Ads. It communicates via SMS with all new leads in real-time, thus optimizing their reachability and conversion rate into appointments. This specialist has become an essential support for the Call Center, fully integrating into it and ensuring no potential opportunity is missed.
'When we shared our needs with Pinpo, the team was very attentive to our expectations. The implementation was quick and seemed accessible.'
Karine TordjmanMarketing et Sales Manager
The solution is synchronized with Unlatch. When a lead is generated via Facebook Lead Ads, it is immediately transferred to Pinpo, which processes it in less than 5 minutes. The lead's need is qualified and a time slot for a callback is agreed upon, allowing the customer relationship center to call back at the most suitable time.
'Qualifying a lead via SMS is much less intrusive than a phone call. Prospects are more likely to respond by SMS than by phone.'
Karine Tordjman

The Results


789 h

Hours Saved
Per Month
+4 data

Data Points Collected
Per Conversation

of Total Lead Flow

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